Our friends and neighbors are animal lovers... and we have everything from bird seed and wild bird feed to the perfect blend for llamas and alpacas... and of course cattle and horses! Our low overhead means LOW PRICES... it's ALWAYS worth the trip to pick up your supplies at Bernalillo Feed & Conoco. We have a few sample prices on the list below; just call us for our price on YOUR favorite feeds.
Whole Corn 50 lb $9.99
Cracked Corn 50 kb $9.99
Rolled Corn
Whole Oats
Rolled Oats
Rolled Milo
Whole Milo
Whole Wheat
Rolled Barley
Cottonseed Meal
Soybean Meal
Alfalfa Bales
Timothy Bales
Straw bales
Loose hay & straw
Beef Builder
BloatGuard Block
Protien Blocks
Protein Tub Purina 200 lb $69.99
Mineral Tub Purina 225 lb $99.99
Range Cubes 50 lb $11.50 $440/ton
Pig Grower
Pig Finish
Milk Replacers
Mares Match
Lamb Milk
Multi Species
Calf Manna
Wood Shavings 5.5 cf $4.99
Nutrina Safe Choice
Original, Senior, Performance, Special Care, Mare & Foal
Purina Omolene
100, 200, 300, 400, 500
Nutrina Empower
Purina Amplify
Nutrina Boost & Balance
Purina Super Sport
Nutrina Sweet Mix 40 lb $9.99
Purina Sweet Mix 40 lb $9.99
Ranch Way Ranch Mix
Purina Impact 14%
Impact Senior $17.99
Purina Equine Junior
Equine Adult
Purina Equine Senior
Equine Senior Active
Strategy GX/AX
Triple Crown
Total Equine
Ricebran Pellets & Meal
Purina Strategy health
Sacate Thorough Bread Pellets
Sacate Alfalfa Pellets
Sacate Alfalfa Cubes $10.75
Secate Bermuda Pellets $10.05
Timothy Pellets $14.99
Purina Ultium Growth
Purina Ultium
Beet pulp pellets
Nutrina Triumph
Doblins Delights
Horse Candy
Horse Treats
Nicker Makers
Hen Scratch
Lay Pellets
Lay Krumbles
Layena Pellets
Layena Krumbles
Chick Krumbles 50#
Chick Krumbles 25#
Oyster Shell
Base mix
Organic Lay pellets
Organic hen scratch
Purina Omega lay pellets
Organic lay crumbles
Organic starter
Meal worms 50% protein treats!
Nutrina Feather Fixer
Wild Birds
Thistle (Niger)
Flax Seed
Canary Seed
Sandoval Blend
Placitas Blend
Wildbird blocks
Wild bird 50#
Black Oil Sunflower Seeds 50#
Rabbit Pellets
Llama/Alpaca Pellets
Goat Chow
Dealer's Choice "Farm Dog"
40 lbs $14.99
Country Acres "Farm Cat"
40 lbs $23.99
Parakeet seeds
Cockateil seeds
Finch seeds
Parrot seeds
Canary seeds